IT solutions that are designed to solve your challanges

Case Studies


To monitor the ever changing market trends it was essential to know who were buying their products, when and what will actions are needed to be future ready. As a responsible brand, our client required an innovative and convenient solution that surpassed all such challenges.

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Document Digitization

The financial institute maintains a huge quantum of documents for compliance and auditability. The budget allocation to maintain documents was very high consuming the funds that could be used for customer serviceability. Most of the time the information or data was stored in the form of paper files or reports, which accumulated over the years, leading to data damage and loss. It was a cumbersome to obtain necessary papers when it's really required...

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eTapal - Document Journey Management System

It is inconvenient for citizens to visit the collectorate from remote villages, just to follow-up and know the status or the progress of their complaint/application/request. xLogia's solution helped citizens to easily track the status of their file online. The system ensures reliable, up-to-date, full and authenticated information to the citizens...

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